Hi there, thank you for landing on here!
When I started my practice in sound and energy healing I always wanted to give back and I told myself: “You’re gonna make it and once you do you will be able to give back to your tribe and the people in need of connection and spirituality.”
The truth is the path to actually ‘making it’ is not straightforward and life is like healing - it’s a convoluted process.
These days I am seeing a lot of heavy stuff in my practice and most especially a need to come back to ourselves and regain our sovereignty. I really believe that it is the people who transform and create the world and not our supposed leaders at the top of their ivory towers. Creating a new Earth with one act of compassion and openness at a time.
And this time is now!
My intention is to provide a supportive healing environment for people with limited finances who want to connect deeper with the world of energy.
To that end, I am taking donations to make this intention a reality.
If you are able, we’d love it if you could help our cause with a donation. Every little bit helps. Thank you so much!
For more detail about my work, visit the website