Beyond Reiki

Energy Management for Sensitive Practitioners


This is an invitation to delve into the fascinating world of Spirit & Energy.

For Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), intuition can manifest in various forms, each providing a unique connection to the world through heightened sensitivity. The main intuitive abilities—clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and claircognizance—are gifts that can empower HSPs to navigate life with a deeper awareness and trust in their inner guidance.

These different aspects of intuition allow HSPs to tap into their sensitivity as a strength, helping them navigate their environment with heightened awareness. By understanding and developing these gifts, HSPs can transform what might feel overwhelming into a powerful tool for clarity and connection.


Are you a sensitive soul seeking to deepen your intuitive gifts, master energy management?

Beyond Reiki is a journey of self-discovery, weaving the magic of collective healing and individual empowerment.

🌈 Who is Beyond Reiki For?

  • Reiki Practitioners: This program is for all Reiki practitioners from any lineage and at any level, including those who have completed Reiki 1 and are interested in recommitting to their self-Reiki practice.

  • Sensitive Souls: Suited for individuals who identify as empaths, highly sensitive persons (HSPs), or lightworkers, and who are looking to explore and nurture their intuitive and empathetic gifts in a supportive environment.

  • Committed to Personal Evolution: Designed for those who are dedicated to their personal growth and evolution, recognizing that self-awareness and inner work are essential components of their journey to holistic healing and transformation.

  • Seeking Energy Management Tools: Perfect for individuals who are seeking practical techniques and strategies for managing their energy more effectively, especially if they have experienced burnout or overwhelm in their lives.

  • Ready to Go Beyond: Geared toward individuals who are ready to go beyond traditional Reiki practices and explore new pathways to healing, intuitive development, and spiritual growth.

🌑 Who is this NOT for?

  • If you are not a Reiki practitioner, this program is not the right fit for you at this time.

  • Not for the Passive Observer: Active engagement is paramount. If you prefer a passive role without actively participating in your healing journey, this might not be for you.

  • Not for Individuals Seeking Quick Fixes: If you're looking for immediate results without a commitment to the gradual process of self-discovery and transformation, this circle may not be for you.

  • Not for Those Resistant to Practices: If you're resistant to engaging in regular practice as part of your healing process, this circle may not align with you.


Beyond Reiki

The Power of Clairsentience


Clairsentience is the intuitive ability to feel energy on an emotional and physical level. HSPs who are clairsentient often pick up on the emotions and energies of others without any verbal cues. They may feel overwhelmed in crowded spaces or emotionally drained by certain individuals. This heightened sensitivity allows them to sense the emotional undercurrents in a room or the true feelings behind someone’s words, making them naturally empathic and compassionate. Learning to manage this ability helps them distinguish between their own emotions and those they absorb from others.


  • Clairsentience Video Course.

  • Psychic Attunement 1. Receive the Clairsentience Attunement.

  • Receive the Clairsentience’s Guide for Reiki Practitioners.

The Power of Clairvoyance


Clairaudience refers to the ability to hear messages or sounds that are beyond the ordinary range of hearing. For HSPs, this might come in the form of an inner voice or guidance from the spiritual realm. Clairaudient individuals often describe receiving intuitive insights as soft whispers or clear, reassuring voices that guide their decisions. This can be both empowering and overwhelming, as it requires learning to trust the subtle sounds and distinguish between inner wisdom and mental chatter.


  • Clairvoyance Video Course.

  • Psychic Attunement 2. Receive the Clairvoyant Attunement.

  • Receive the Clairvoyant’s Guide for Reiki Practitioners.

The Power of Clairaudience


Clairvoyance is the intuitive gift of clear seeing, often experienced as flashes of images, symbols, or even full visual scenes that convey messages. HSPs with this ability may see visions in their mind’s eye that offer guidance about situations or people. They often have vivid dreams or daydreams filled with symbolic imagery that holds deeper meaning. As this gift unfolds, HSPs can use these visual impressions to gain clarity in moments of uncertainty, recognizing that these images hold wisdom about the future or hidden truths about the present.


  • Clairaudiance Video Course.

  • Psychic Attunement 3. Receive the Clairaudiant Attunement.

  • Receive the Clairaudiant’s Guide for Reiki Practitioners.

The Power of Claircognizance


Claircognizance is the ability of clear knowing, where HSPs receive intuitive downloads of information without knowing how or why. This "gut feeling" or sudden insight comes without any logical explanation, yet it often proves accurate. Claircognizant individuals experience a deep sense of certainty about people or events, feeling that they just know things. For HSPs, trusting this knowing can be challenging at first, but with practice, it becomes an invaluable guide in navigating life’s complexities with greater confidence and assurance.


  • Claircognizance Video Course.

  • Celebration. Reflect on your journey of intuitive development.

  • Receive the Claircognizant’s Guide for Reiki Practitioners.



The Psychic World


Hi, my name's Fleur. I’m a reiki teacher, spiritual mentor, sound & energy practitioner, and ceremony facilitator.

I’m on a mission to help my fellow empaths, intuitives, and highly sensitive people reconnect to their gifts and authentic selves.

And a big part of that mission is to remind you of your sovereignty and power (and how you have far more control over your reality than you think).

With love and light,

Fleur 🌸



Support Yourself & Your Reiki Practice

  • Reiki Step-by-Step Follow-Along

    A comprehensive guide to practicing Reiki on yourself and others

  • Reiki Clearing Process

    Practical exercises to integrate into your daily routine


Beyond Reiki Value


1 Full Payment

Value $777


4 x Engaging Video Courses designed to deepen your understanding of intuition and its various facets.

4 x Comprehensive Guides specifically tailored for Reiki practitioners, enhancing your practice and insights.

3 x Powerful Psychic Attunements to elevate your intuitive abilities and foster personal growth.

Exclusive Bonus: 2 x Transformative Processes to further support and enrich your Reiki practice, ensuring a holistic approach to your healing journey.


2 Monthly Payments

Value 2 x $397


4 x Engaging Video Courses designed to deepen your understanding of intuition and its various facets.

4 x Comprehensive Guides specifically tailored for Reiki practitioners, enhancing your practice and insights.

3 x Powerful Psychic Attunements to elevate your intuitive abilities and foster personal growth.

Exclusive Bonus: 2 x Transformative Processes to further support and enrich your Reiki practice, ensuring a holistic approach to your healing journey.

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